Webinar: Project Management Tools for Land Surveyors



Presented on September 10, 2021 by Landon Blake, Redefined Horizons

In this webinar, Landon will show you how to use two different tools for project management. The first is Trello. The second is Basecamp. Landon uses both tools in his small business. Landon will share suggestions for you can set-up both tools for project management, with tips on how the tools can make your team more organized and efficient. In the webinar, Landon will answer these questions:

1. When does it make sense to use a project management tool?
2. Why are project management tools better than a spreadsheet?
3. How do you get started with a project management tool?
4. How do you share project management tools among your team members?
5. How can project management tools help you support remote workers?
6. How can project management tools help you hold team members accountable?

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